why you need to get a life (coach)

Are there areas of your life that you seem to constantly struggle with, no matter what?

It could be your relationships, feeling stalled in your career, being unable to shift weight, suffering from disruptive eating patterns or general behaviours that are holding you back.

I believe we all have something that we just cannot seem to overcome, or progress with, or need a huge confidence boost to achieve, and this is where a Life Coach can literally help you to transform your life. 

“But I don’t need a Life Coach”, you say. “I already know EXACTLY what I should be doing.” But this is the entire point. You know exactly what you should be doing, but for some reason, you’re not able to stick it out. And this is where a Life Coach comes in.  

We work with you to understand those limiting beliefs and long-held patterns that are causing major stumbling blocks in your life. We help you to identify and overcome them. We then work with you to create the goals you want to work towards and provide you with accountability every step of the way.  I’ve found the accountability aspect alone has been life changing for some clients who literally just need to know someone is going to kick their arse at the end of the week to ensure they reach their baby goals which contribute to achieving overarching life goals and ultimately lead to major change.

Every client of mine is different but ultimately they all want to be happier in some aspect of their life.

We work together to identify any blockers that could get in your way and we thrash them out together so you have the confidence and support to get to exactly where you need to be.

Life Coaching is not therapy. A therapist will look at your upbringing and traumas in your past, and help you to get to a functioning point. Coaching is all about designing the future you desire and creating a strategy and goal-focused action plan to ensure you get there. 

I’m a holistic Life Coach meaning that I look at every aspect of my clients life, so no topic is off limits! 

If you’d like a chat to see if life coaching is for you, the first hour-long session is on me. Drop me a line today to book your free session at: nicola@mindvibesglobal.com

"I started working with Nicola with the aim of reducing stress and increasing my influence. I've incorporated a better work life balance and feel much more able to express myself. The biggest surprise was understanding the negative stories I used to tell myself which were creating havoc in my life. I have completely shifted the way I think, have embedded discipline and have already started living a more fulfilling life and developing much stronger and connected relationships."
Richard, Ecommerce Lead


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